Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring Break!

Hi again everyone! Considering last week was spring break, everyone went home and parted ways from Jaimie. But luckily, kids are getting Facebooks a lot younger nowadays, so it's easy to keep in touch! My teammate, Jamie Strumwasser, and I went to Florida for spring break. Thinking that we were out of reach - we soon realized we were wrong. One night, we get a Facebook message from Jaimie consisting of an animated sticker. Naturally, we sent one back, loving every second of it. Realizing she didn't know we were together, we sent her a surprise selfie! It was amazing. See part of the conversation below:

So, after more conversation hearing about Jaimie's week climbing trees and playing iPad games (her favorite,) we decided to have Jaimie answer a few questions herself so you can know more about her! I hope you enjoy the cuteness of her responses as much as we did.

1. What’s your favorite color?


2. What’s your favorite thing to do?


3. What’s your favorite animal? 

Zebra, because I like the pattern

4.How did you feel when you first met the Marist Women’s Soccer Team?

Awesome cuz they are just awesome

5. What is your favorite part about being a part of the team?

Getting to hangout with my girls

6. How have we helped you?

Make me happy

7. How have you helped the team?

Cheer them on during their games

Come on, how couldn't you love this little girl? Although we are college students on spring break, it is safe to say this interaction was the highlight of our trip. We missed her more than we even realized. Tune in next week for a great post... We have a big event coming up that I can't wait to share with you all!

Live in the moment. Play in the moment.


  1. Hey Amanda,
    Okay, this is the third time I have written this post because the way commenting is set up is super hard. Lol. Or I'm not so bright. But I didn't realize I had to choose a way to comment then I had to be signed into WordPress to comment. Anyways, I digress. Maybe something to look into for commenting. Back to your post. I loved the background design and how you included Jamie's picture on the right hand side of the page. It let's readers connect to who she is/what she looks like. I thought it was sweet to include the picture messages you guys sent back and forth. My friends and I use those stickers too. Finally, the personal interview was a nice touch. She obviously seems to like you and your team very much. Do you guys speak every day and does your team take her out for ice cream or anything else fun? I have to look into your earlier posts to find out how your team came about this project so to speak. Sweet post.

  2. Hey, Awesome blog!!! I really like how the contrast you have set up with the backgrounds. I also think that's its awesome that you are involved in such a great program, its nice to see something as heartwarming as this. Overall I have no complaints. If you could, maybe add another source of media (even if its just a small video from your phone) but other than that the site is solid.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This blog is great and so inspirational. I love working with kids so this blog hit a soft spot. My favorite aspect is the pictures, videos, and screen shots that you include. It's cool to see the true-life selfies, conversations with Jamie, Facebook posts, and videos and pictures of your team. It really evokes "pathos" if we're going to get technical. I want to add some more of that into my posts after seeing yours. Each week you have fresh stories and comments about your experiences with Jamie and nothing is repetitive or redundant, which is awesome. One thing I would suggest is that the black background against the white font is a little dizzying to read...or that could just be my sensitive eyes. I like the Friends of Jaclyn background behind that though!
